Student exchange possibilities

Search tips

Filter on your Degree Program to see which partner universities are of special interest for your degree program. The recommendations have been made by the program director and are based on courses available at the partner university and previous exchange students’ experiences. See this as a help, but not a restriction – you can choose other partners too.

Filter on Subject Area to find the universities that offer courses in a specific subject.

Narrow down your search by choosing the right Level. If you are enrolled in a “kandidatprogram” you may choose “Undergraduate/Bachelor” and if you are studying a “masterprogram” or “magisterprogram” you may choose “Postgraduate/Master”.

About the exchange agreements

Erasmus Agreements within the EU (and Turkey). These agreements are only within certain subject fields, which you can see if you click on the partner university and scroll down to “Relations”. Make sure that we have an agreement with the right subject before you decide to apply to a European partner university.

Bilateral Agreements outside the EU. These agreements are university-wide, and you can study any subject you like at the partner university (as long as no restrictions are mentioned).

Bilateral Agreements with a reduced tuition fee. Almost all our partner universities do not have any fees except for a couple of universities in the United Kingdom. If there is a fee, you will see this if you click on the partner university and scroll down to the tab Relations – Fees.

Get to know more about a partner university

If you want to know more about a certain partner university, you can click on “more details”, it and then a new side appears with a lot of useful information. We recommend that you:

Read the Fact Sheet, there you can get a lot of information about for example how it works with accommodation, the cost of living in the country, term dates, and much more.

See if there are any Language Requirements for studying at the partner university. Sometimes the language requirements differ depending on which faculty you will study at.

Read the Course Catalogue to see that they have courses in the subject and teaching language that you want to take.

Look at the headline Please Note to see if there is anything you need to know about the partner university before applying. 

How to see how many places that are available at a partner

If you click on a partner university, at the bottom of the side you have the headlines Seats and Remaining Seats. Seats show how many places we have in total during one academic year, and remaining seats show how many places there are left. The seats get renewed each academic year. Please note that the number of places can change, and we reserve the right to update the numbers to reflect changes in our agreements with partner universities.

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